In this day’s advertising is the very important part of promoting anything in the market. So advertisement play’s a very important crucial role in the launching of a new product in the market. Advertisements are of various types, but the most commonly used advertisements are through television. The next one is on the poster presentation. It is based practically in front of the consumer.
Before making any advertisement of anything, advertiser thinking is very important because of the different behavior of every consumer. So advertiser work is to make perfect as well as attractive advertisements. Due to the fact that the advertisement information of new things or products directly goes to consumers, there is no need to explain every time to consumers.
- In this Advertisement, It comes between the important working of consumer and so consumer also hate this type of Advertisement.
- Advertisers need the ability to attract consumers.
- To make an attractive as well as perfectly suitable advertisement.
- Also, advertisers work to know the behavior of the consumer.
- Advertisements must be short but meaningful.
Affect on Advertiser and consumer:
In this type of Advertisement, also risk factors include. Because Advertisers Don’t know why and where consumers and which type of content to watch or read. If an Advertisement is on entertainment video text, the article then no problem but consumers are in very important work then diverse effect happens on the advertising. Most consumers do not like interference between them, so the most important thing is that they don’t publish advertisements on every page or every social media page.
The most important and hard point for advertisers is they don’t know the behavior of the consumer. Like not everyone likes funny ads, some people like professional advertising. Also, some people are irritated by Advertisements because they are watching their favorite shows, videos, and then between this advertisement and people getting angry sometimes. So if Advertisement is on the television, then give a notification timer at the top of the corner because this consumer knows the exact timing of interval or Advertisement.
But when the Advertisement is on social media, then my suggestion for the Advertiser to avoid more than one ad in a single video at the initial start of the video. In social media, advertising give a question to the consumer like
- Are you interested in this Advertisement?
- What do you like?
- Do you like this product?
- Give your feedback?
This type of question also includes in the Advertisement because due to this exact view of consumer appear. And due to the demand of consumers, you can prepare better advertisements. Sometimes Advertisers make long advertisements, so people get bored. So it is necessary to make short advertisements. If Advertisements become more time-consuming, then people change the channel, and so due to this channel, TRP decreases, and channel monitors skip or cut it many times.
These days, people use mostly social media rather than television. So everyone publishes an advertisement on social media and a celebrity’s account. And it is more opportunity for Advertisers as celebrities have more active followers and are connected daily. So give advertisements to the celebrity also. Make meaningful advertisements otherwise. Consumers skip this one.
Advantages of Advertisement:
- It’s a time-saving process.
- Don’t need to Advertise practically from home to home.
- It reaches more people at a single time.
- Helpful for the consumer to know the new product in the market easily
- To know feedback on this Advertisement.
- The negative review comes from people due to unwanted disturbance.
- Generally, everyone skips advertisements.
- Due to playing again and again, people get bored.
- Misuse of Advertisements like. People make unwanted memes and viral them.
Most of the telecasts in social media are in the process of removing all Advertisements and becoming a channel free of Advertise, so it’s a challenge in front of Advertisers.
It is an automatically authorized system so, only one way to know consumer’s demands and behavior. And only a feedback system does it. Many people give feedback on the Advertisement, so it is helpful to the Advertiser to know about the consumer. In most of the country, it’s banned. This third party may be involved, and it is a dangerous sign for Advertisers. Because due to fake news or Advertisements, the biggest cyber crime happens. Personal information of people is also used for unnecessary work, so it’s very dangerous.
It’s an artificial intelligence-based automatic program that gives transparency and information, but it’s electronic communications, so it can also hack easily. So the use of this system is useful as well as risky. Also, if you want to remove AdChoices from Android here’s a draft to do so.
It is not a personally handled system. It’s based on the automatically authorized artificial intelligence system controlled by Google. So big scam or hack also happens in this. This misuse of personal information happens so, it’s dangerous. Only consumer feedback of consumers conducted by Advertisers here. So many complications are involved in this.